
Showing posts from February, 2021

Updates: 2021 and what to expect forward

Hey there! I know, I know. It's a bit of an irony that I've titled this blog post as 2021 like it's the first post of the year 2021 when this post is dated almost end February. Oops?  Well since my last update until this post, several things have happened. Some good, some not so good...  I resigned from my job that I mentioned in my previous update. There were... several reasons that contribute to why I left, especially after completing my probation period. The short version is:- The work environment and I aren't made for each other.  To give a longer explanation without saying too much for now, I would describe my work experience like a relationship. Think friendship or romance; you start a relationship energetically, envisioning a good long future with the other person after realising that you and the other person have many things in common like goals and interests.  The real challenge in a relationship starts after the honeymoon period is over, when the real life gri