Updates: 2021 and what to expect forward

Hey there!

I know, I know. It's a bit of an irony that I've titled this blog post as 2021 like it's the first post of the year 2021 when this post is dated almost end February. Oops? 

Well since my last update until this post, several things have happened. Some good, some not so good... 

I resigned from my job that I mentioned in my previous update. There were... several reasons that contribute to why I left, especially after completing my probation period. The short version is:-

The work environment and I aren't made for each other. 

To give a longer explanation without saying too much for now, I would describe my work experience like a relationship. Think friendship or romance; you start a relationship energetically, envisioning a good long future with the other person after realising that you and the other person have many things in common like goals and interests. 

The real challenge in a relationship starts after the honeymoon period is over, when the real life grind and turmoil kicks in high gear that dissipates the daydreams. For relationships to last, both parties need to be committed to each other, with good communication and teamwork to make the dreamwork. 

So yes, after working 3 months in the company, I made the hard decision to leave. My decision to resign brought a lot of questions from my colleagues; but knowing that it's something between me and the company, I could only give the same explanation as above. Of course, if any of them resigns from the company too, then maybe I could be honest with the full explanation. 

Well, that's if I still remember the reason several years later from now of course... 

Reading this, you may be surprised too. Why resign now? In the midst of a pandemic, in the midst of high unemployment rates... It would be extremely foolish to resign when many others struggle to even have a part-time job. 

To say that I was not worried is a lie. After all, my pay was good (for a fresh graduate), my job prospect was promising for at least more than 2 years, plus with my job scope I don't need to fear of being replaced by other colleagues and/or A.I. 

But honestly, staying on would be like girls ignoring red flags and staying with an unsavoury relationship out of the fear of the many social stigmas. 

Speaking of red flags, my time in the company could have been avoided if I actually pay heed to the red flags, which I didn't. More on this in another blog post.

The good takeaway is that I learnt new skill sets that would be an advantage for my resume, plus I made some good friends at work that kept me sane throughout my work period. 

So are you back here for good? How about work? 

By the time this post is up, I will be starting another new online course on edX, this time on data science. In the meantime I will also be job hunting, after updating my resume to reflect my recent work experience of course. There's also some rescheduling of what games I will be reviewing, what topics I will blog about, as well as new projects that I need to do some planning for like writing and programming.

Overall there's a lot in store, so not to worry! 

Firstly, I do need to polish up my notes for ShiWuYu, so stay tune for that guide coming up! 

Until next time! 

~ RieRie 


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