Time Princess - Have you seen Claudia? Walkthrough
Finally finished this story. Honestly, while I'm fond of mystery novels like Sherlock Holmes, Have you seen Claudia? veers off from just a typical mystery where you take on the main protagonist role of searching for Claudia. Yes, like all mystery plots there's also other layers that need to be unveiled. But well, getting to the root of the mystery wasn't easy for me this round. If I could compare, it's the same feeling I had while playing Vittorio's route in Gotham Memoirs (also by Time Princess).
One thing similar to Gotham Memoirs is the trigger warnings right before you buy/start the story. If you're not okay with the triggers, I suggest you skip it. Or at least, tap quickly through the plot for the sake of the outfits. One last thing before we delve into the walkthrough, I want to give a shout out to AquaTofana87 for their very helpful comment on the Time Princess Wikia. With that said, hopefully this walkthrough will be of help to you too.
Have you seen Claudia?: 2 Chapters - Chapter 1 has 15 stages, Chapter 2 has 15 stages
1-1 Entering Chicago
Cooling || Elegant
- Thank him and ask for his name
- Implore him to get the drunk man out of here
(Unlock event log Chicago World's Fair, Department of Architect in the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris)
1-2 Butcher's Son
Simple || Formal
- Give him Claudia's address
- Thank him but refuse
(Unlock event log Slaughterhouse)
1-3 Dark Lady
Formal || Noble
- The Whitechapel Club sounds interesting - Layla Mackenna Goodwill ^
- This woman is truly odd, but I should be polite - no effect
(Unlock event log Carter Harrison, Whitechapel club)
1-4 Uninvited Gentleman
Cooling || Perky
- A drink
- A cup of coffee
*Note: the options will change some parts of Holmes' reaction to you later in this chapter, not a major change but you'll learn something different*
1-5 A Career Woman's Day
Formal || Noble
- Accept his offer
- Politely decline
(Unlock event A Modern Woman)
(Unlock event log Economic downturn, Cereal)
1-6 Strange Hotel Owner
Simple || Warm
- Go measure the wall alone
- Get Holmes and go measure the wall - (Unlock event log Ben Pitezel)
1-7 Something's Fishy
Cooling || Perky
- Say he behaved inappropriately
- Say he is always polite - (Unlock event Holding hands in the night)
If choose 'Say he behaved inappropriately':
- Decline - (Unlock event Holding hands in the night)
- Accept - Bad End: Premature Death
1-8 Unreliable Detective
Cooling || Elegant
- Hug her - no effect
- Ask her about her dad - Layla Mackenna Goodwill ^
1-9 Dangerous Dinner Party
Grand || Charming
- Accept
- Decline
(Unlock event log Burnham, Olmsted, Auditorium Building, Louis Sullivan)
(Unlock event Dinner Party)
1-10 Claudia Never Went Home
Simple || Formal
- Escape in the middle of the night
- Let Grandpa Snowball handle it - Ending: Playing it Safe
1-11 Return to Chicago
Simple || Warm
- Apologise - Layla Mackenna Goodwill ^
- Evade her questions - no effect
1-12 Savage Holmes
Cooling || Elegant
- Push him away
- Hug him
1-13 Chicago World's Fair
Simple || Formal
- Go see the ships
- Go to the food exhibition - (Unlock event log Beer, Malted milk)
- Holmes is likely a murderer - Bad End: Walking into a Trap
- It's something you can't tell Holmes
(Unlock event log Buffalo Bill, Westinghouse Electric, War of Currents, Ferris Wheel, Ice cream floats)
1-14 Deadlock
Simple || Warm
- Accept
- Decline
1-15 Guilty Escape
- Tell the truth
- Lie
2-1 Needle in a Haystack
- Track Holmes - Layla MacKenna Goodwill ^
- Investigate Holmes' hotel - unlocks 2-8
If choose 'Track Holmes':
- He's committed a crime - Bad End: Wrongfully imprisoned
- He's in danger - unlocks 2-2
2-2 Uncooperative Lady [Unlocked by choosing 'Track Holmes' and 'He's in danger' in stage 2-1]
- Friends
- Looking for someone and needing their help
2-3 Everyone's born equal
Cooling || Perky
- Bribe him
- Protest - (Unlock event log Kodak Camera)
2-4 Alex Cook
- Go to the zoo
- Wait at the hotel
2-5 Child in danger
The story will be different depending on the choices in 2-4
If choose 'Go to the zoo' in stage 2-4:
- Save the children now - Bad End: A Sacrifice for the greater good
- Watch and wait - (Unlock event log Fire escape)
2-6 Danger at hand
If choose 'Bribe him' in stage 2-3:
Bad End: Wrongfully imprisoned
If choose 'Protest' in stage 2-3:
proceed to 2-7
(Unlock event Close Call)
2-7 Derby Kid
Charming || Gentle
- We're just strolling
- We're looking for Marion Hedgepeth
(Unlock event log Marion Hedgepeth)
2-8 Rooftop at Night [Unlocked by choosing 'Investigate Holmes' hotel' in stage 2-1]
Simple || Warm
- Scowl at him
- Put him in his place
(Unlock event Chicago at night)
2-9 Murder Castle
Simple || Formal
- Run back the way we came - no effect
- Pretend to be lost guests - Bad End: Lesson not Learnt
2-10 Murder Castle II
If choose 'This woman is truly odd, but I should be polite' in stage 1-3:
Bad End: Lesson not Learnt
To proceed, choose 'The Whitechapel Club sounds interesting' in stage 1-3 and replay this stage
(Unlock event log Skeleton key)
2-11 Whitechapel Club
Charming || Gentle
- Connelly University School of Medicines
- The Jewelry Store
2-12 Getting Evidence
Simple || Formal
The story will be different depending on the choices in stage 2-11
2-13 Brand New Life
Formal || Noble
- Take the initiative to greet him
- Wait until he's finished
(Unlock event log Burnham Architecture)
2-14 Nose Dive
Charming || Gentle
- Holmes has been sentenced to death - unlocks stage 2-15, or if conditions not met then Bad End: Evil Revealed
- You'll get better soon - Ending: A New Chapter
The 3 conditions to unlock stage 2-15 through choosing 'Holmes has been sentenced to death' are:
- stage 1-2 - Thank him but refuse
- stage 1-5 - Accept his offer
- stage 1-7 - Say he behaved inappropriately
Once these choices are made, replay this stage again and stage 2-15 will be unlocked.
(Unlock event Acknowledged by the Best)
2-15 Joshua's Secret [Unlocked by choosing 'Holmes has been sentenced to death' in stage 2-14]
- Grab the gun - Ending: Sacrifice Yourself
- Think of another way - Ending: Good Triumphs over Evil
Again, wouldn't have been able to unlock stage 2-15 had it not been for AquaTofana87's helpful comment on the Wikia. Either I've misunderstood the hint (which you'll get once you unlock a Bad End and the game gives a tip on how to unlock the other, better ending), or the hint was misleading in the first place. Anyhow! This story was such a challenge for me in more ways than one. Definitely a 'read once' only for me! Leave a comment below if you've like this story or not!
Happy Gaming!
~ RieRie