Updates: COVID-19 situation and daily life (Future of this blog)

Hi! So today's post is part answering some questions that readers may have after all the reviews so far, but also brief mentions of what's been happening in my personal life, and some exciting news coming soon on this blog! 

The current state of the blog

As of now, the current game reviews seen are not even half of the full list of games that I intend to post. Reviews will also include games that I've completed but still wanted to share because of how good it is, and also games that I'm on the fence about. One of the games that I had been on the fence is A3!, which I am sad to announce that I have officially deleted the app from my phone. This was a semi tough decision, because there was no way for me to keep my game records on A3!, but I had to free up some memory space on my phone to allow updates for other games. 

Gaming devices, Being F2P

I mainly play games on 2 devices: iPhone 6 Plus, and on Galaxy Tab A. So I mainly played games on my iPhone, until the Galaxy Tab A came along in February 2020. I don't own the Tab, it actually belongs to my dad, but he knows that I really wanted to play on Android for a while now so I ended up using it. 

As I've mentioned in all of my reviews, I'm a F2P (Free-to-play) player – I don't spend real money on games. That means that if I had to drop a game for whatever reason, I don't feel as conflicted as I would if I spent any amount of money in a game that I will end up deleting from my phone. The reason I feel conflicted over deleting A3! is because of the achievements and the character cards (including limited edition cards). Ultimately I could give it up because other games (which I will reveal in its on review post) won me over and helped me give up A3! much easier. 

Personal life

Other things I should address is how do I manage to play so many games? So at the moment I'm unemployed. I am searching, of course, but things have been challenging. On top of that, there's also COVID-19 roaming about and making things extra difficult. I'm not feeling hopeless, because there are jobs available even though there are job losses and retrenchment in the market. Technically sales and admin jobs are available, which I could apply for while still on the hunt for a job relating to my degree and/or Masters. 

Aside from job-hunting, I've just completed an online course on edX on 'Tropical Coastal Ecosystems'. Based on my knowledge of the topic and experience with the course (I took it as a refresher and also to see how good it is), I will say that the course has legitimate contents and taught by good lecturers. I will be starting on another course once I complete my new project for this blog. Not sure what yet, but I have seen several interesting courses! 

What to expect with this blog

Coming back to the future of this blog, most of the games I plan to review are English-version games, with a few exceptions. There are 2 Chinese games that I plan to give a more thorough guide and walkthrough, including reviewing the games of course. The format will be similar to MazM's Phantom of the Opera Guide + Walkthrough that I did a while back, but for the Chinese games there will be English translations for international audiences who aren't that good in or even have a basic grasp of Chinese. 

In fact, I will be doing a two-part post for one of them! They are coming after this post, so stay tune!! I'm really excited for this project, but I also feel daunted because there's so much to translate haha! 

That's all from me this time! Stay tune for the two-part project! 

~ RieRie


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