食物语 ShiWuYu ~ Guide – Part 1: Basic Game Mechanics

食物语 (ShiWuYu) means Tale of Food, and as the name tells the story of Food Spirits that incarnated as humans from the love of people enjoying their respective cuisine dish. In particular, the story is set in 空桑 [KongSang], which is a Food Heaven for all Food Spirits and people, existing in a supernatural realm unaffected by our timeline. I would compare KongSang to the police box that Doctor Who travels in, but bigger in space and has a fixed location unlike the police box.

This guide is based off the Singapore-Malaysia edition, known as 新马版 [XinMaBan] launched in May 27th 2020. There are two other existing editions: Mainland China edition, 陆版 [LuBan], and Taiwan edition, 台版 [TaiBan]. By the release of this post, the Japanese edition 日版 [RiBan] is also out. Because the Mainland China edition is the founding edition of ShiWuYu, all other editions follow the timeline released in subsequent order by the founding edition, with exception of the time period it takes between events for other editions. 

Many players, unlike me, have been playing the Mainland China and Taiwan editions long before the launch of the Singapore-Malaysia edition. This means that they already have a strategic approach in playing the game effectively. Some of them have been kind enough to compile a list of game strategies referred as 攻略 [GongLue] for the rest of us newbies who knew the game from its pre-launch ads. Sadly all of the strategies have only been available in Chinese, so an international player with little to no grasp of the language will struggle. I know how it feels as I've played Touken Ranbu, a Japanese game that I could only enjoy because of kind-hearted translators. 

Unlike Touken Ranbu, however, ShiWuYu has more depth in terms of story-telling and its events that also come with stories of their own. This guide will be divided into 2 parts: 1) 1st half of the basic game mechanics, and 2) 2nd half of the basic game mechanics and review of the game. I have provided the pinyin of the Chinese characters should you decide to search up ShiWuYu strategies with those key words.

Table of Contents:- 



The current available server in the Singapore-Malaysia edition is 万里相逢 [WanLiXiangFeng]. In editions that have more servers you can click on 切换 [QieHuan] to change servers. On the vertical right, top to bottom are:–

  • Account 账号 [ZhangHao] – You can create an account with UBeeJoy, or choose to sign in with Facebook or Gmail
  • Announcements 公告 [GongGao] – Events announcements 活动公告 [HuoDongGongGao] and Game announcements 游戏公告 [YouXiGongGao]
  • Repair 修复 [XiuFu] – For when the game appears to have glitches
  • Customer service 客服 [KeFu] 

And of course, click on 进入游戏 [JinRuYouXi] to start the game!


主页 [ZhuYe]

For ease of navigation, explanation is split into 4 sections as the photo above.

SECTION 1 (Left to Right)

*Player Avatar and frame – Displays player information: player level, player nickname and current exp gauge to next level

Rectangle speech box – Shows the social media where ShiWuYu can be found (Facebook, Official website, Instagram, Discord) 

Eye icon – Hides all side bars to show only the selected character with the main page background

Fish icon – Rewards that players can get by spending an accumulative amount of time in-game, which can be collected individually (by tapping the lighted-up reward) or collectively 一键领取 [YiJianLingQu]

Rice bowl icon – Energy 体力 [TiLi] capped at 120; Used to play stages and resource forests

Shell icon – Shell money 贝币 [BeiBi] is a common currency used to level-up/star-up/evolve Food Spirits and Tableware

Golden Jade – 金玉 [JinYu] is the highly coveted currency in ShiWuYu, which is more difficult to earn than Shell money; Easily obtained by buying with real money

Orange Rectangle – Calendar that gives daily login rewards and the luck of the day

*Activity 活动 [HuoDong] – Activity Centre 活动中心 and Game announcements 游戏公告

Rankings 排行 [PaiHang] – For: Collection 收集榜, Stage 关卡类 (further divided to main stage 关卡榜, difficult mode 困难榜, banquet mode 珍馐盛宴), Player level 等级榜, Home 家园榜, Alliance 协会, Cook-off 厨艺大赛, Illusion Boss 绀珠虚影

Friends 好友 [HaoYou] – Top to bottom: Friends, Add 添加, Blacklist 黑名单; Click on the handshake icon to the right of friend name to gift and/or receive friendship points individually, or click on 一键赠送/一键领取 to gift/receive collectively

Mail 邮件 [YouJian] – You can store mail up to 30 days; Read mails will be automatically deleted after logging out from game

*Settings 设置 [SheZhi] – For: Support settings 補助设置, Sound settings 音频设置, Gift code exchange 礼包兑换, Safety lock 安全锁

SECTION 2 (Top to Bottom) 

*Shop 商店 [ShangDian] – Clothing 时装 [ShiZhuang], Exchange 兑换 [DuiHuan], General 杂货 [ZaHuo], Monthly Card 月俸 [YueFeng], Bargain Pack 礼包 [LiBao], Direct purchases 直购 [ZhiGou]

*Courtyard 庄园 [ZhuangYuan]

*Tasks 任务 [RenWu] – Daily tasks 日常 [RiChang] and Weekly tasks 周常 [ZhouChang]

Triangle icon – Kitchen 厨房 [ChuFang], Home 家园 [JiaYuan], Restaurant 餐厅 [CanTing], and the drop-down bar for Expedition 异域探索 [YiYueTanSuo]

*Character 角色[JueSe]

Round speech box – Chat for: System notifications 系统 [XiTong], World chat 世界 [ShiJie], Alliance chat 协会 [XieHui], Team 队伍 [DuiWu]

SECTION 3 (Left to Right)

Summon 召唤 [ZhaoHuan] – Use Spirit Core or Golden Jade to summon Food Spirits in a single or ten draw

Team Formation 编队 [BianDui] – Assembling teams of 4 Food Spirits for battles

*Start Journey 启程 [QiCheng] – Illusion Boss 绀珠虚影, Main Story mode 普通, Difficult Story mode 困难,  Resource Forests 资源关卡, Beginner Training 教学关卡, Cook-off 厨艺大赛, Banquet mode 珍馐盛宴

SECTION 4 (Left to Right) 

Team 组队 [ZuDui] – Not to be confused with Team Formation; this is for players to team up with other players to battle the resource forests

Self-production 自制 [ZiZhi] – Currently unavailable

*Gallery 图签 [TuQian] – Sketch collection 掠影篇, Group collection 团队篇, Story collection 故事篇, Craft collection 天工篇, Character collection 相逢篇, Food Spirit collection 食魂篇, Tableware collection 膳具篇

Achievements 成就 [ChengJiu] – 4 types of achievement scrolls: Food Spirits Scroll 食魂卷 [ShiHunJuan], Farming Scroll 田园卷 [TianYuanJuan], Training Scroll 历练卷 [LiLianJuan], Exploration Scroll 探秘卷 [TanMiJuan]

*Alliance 协会 [XieHui] – Alliance Square 协会广场, Alliance Activities 协会活动, Alliance Shop 协会商店

*Food Spirits 食魂 [ShiHun] – Food Spirits 食魂 [ShiHun], Healing Bath 调理 [DiaoLi], Spirit Token 信物 [XinWu]

Storage 仓库 [CangKu] – For: Material 材料 [CaiLiao], Tableware 膳具 [ShanJu], Food 食物 [ShiWu], Gifts 礼物 [LiWu]


Here other information can be viewed such as:

  • Display avatar
  • Player nickname (editable via the brush icon on the right)
  • Birthdate 生日 [ShengRi] – fixed at first login, cannot be changed
  • Player Level with the exp gauge
  • Display message board – string of black dots where players can display status messages
  • UID – Player unique ID code
  • Alliance name 协会 [XieHui] – which alliance the player has joined

On the top right, the green badge 市厨 [ShiChu] reflects the player's current title in PVP. Next to it is the option for players to share their player information 分享 [FenXiang] for 20 Golden Jade.

The game also records the player's current progress in main storyline 主线进度 [ZhuXianJinDu] and difficult mode 困难本进度 [KunNanBenJinDu], along with the completion percentage of Food Spirit collection (i.e. 77.9%), which will be change accordingly to release of new Food Spirits. The character with the green banner 支援 [ZhiYuan] is the Food Spirit that will be available for assistance in battles (except PVP and Alliance duels). The other 3 are for display purposes only. 

The bottom row shows the badges 微章 [WeiZhang] that you can earn through events, though a few badges are only given out to players who recharge in-game. Players can access the full unlocked badges in the badge wall 微章墙 [WeiZhangQiang].

The left blue icon 更换外观 [GengHuanWaiGuan], where players can change their: 

  • Display avatar 头像 [TouXiang]
  • Avatar frame 头像框 [TouXiangKuang]
  • Background 背景 [BeiJing] - Name Card 名片 [MingPian], the player information background; Team 组队 [ZuDui], the background when players pair up with each other for resource battles
  • Background Music 音乐 [YinYue]
  • Main Page Background  主界面 [ZhuJieMian]

The date on the bottom right displays when the player first started playing 就任日期 [JiuRenRiQi]. May 27th is the opening date of the Singapore-Malaysia edition, so I started playing the same time as when the edition first launched.


Do note that this is different from the Announcements seen at the login page! Here's how the Announcements look like:

The Announcements usually covers details of upcoming events and scheduled maintenance as a heads up for players. Some key words to look out for: Maintenance 维护 [WeiHu], Offline period (due to maintenance) 更新时间 [GengXinShiJian], Event 活动 [HuoDong]. 

Below is how the in-game Activity board looks like:

Under Activity Centre 活动中心 [HuoDongZhongXin]:-

  • KongSang Treasury 空桑钱庄 [KongSangQianZhuang] – Marked with the orange banner stating Worth It 超值 [ChaoZhi], players can get certain amount of Golden Jade immediately and per player level from recharging in-game
  • Limited-Time 限时 [XianShi] – Marked with the green banner, usually event related tasks so don't miss out!
  • Player Level Rewards 等级奖励 [DengJiJiangLi] – (Top Left) The game celebrates your achievements by rewarding players gifts at different levels; the maximum player level is 100
  • Lunchbox of Love 爱心餐盒 [AiXinChanHe] – (Top Right) Three times a day players can get 60 Energy, note that in-game clock follows GMT+8
  • Login Rewards 登录福利 [DengLuFuLi] – (Bottom Left) Don't be mislead by the name, as the rewards are only available from Friday to Monday
  • Daily Revision 每日一练 [MeiRiYiLian] – (Bottom Right) Players can complete a daily quiz of 5 questions, with each question containing different reward if answered correctly. You can attempt all 5 questions even if you made a mistake in between; just that you will not get the reward because of the wrong answer

The Game Announcement 游戏公告 [YouXiGongGao], not to be confused with the Game Announcement on the login screen, shows the official ShiWuYu Facebook discussion group that players can join and get game-related help. 


For Support Settings 補助设置 [BuZhuSheZhi]:

Notifications 推送设置 [TuiSongSheZhi] – Energy fully refilled 体力回满 [TiLiHuiMan], Get energy (via Lunchbox of Love) 领取体力 [LingQuTiLi], Cooking completed 烹饪完成 [PengRenWanCheng], Expedition Team returns 探索归来 [TanSuoGuiLai], New banquet requests 宴会订单 [YanHuiDingDan], New temple fair requests 庙会订单 [MiaoHuiDingDan]

In-Game Vibrations 震动设置 [ZhenDongSheZhi] – Appearance of JinYuManTang 金玉满堂, Completion of consecutive battles 连续战斗 [LianXuZhanDou], New messages from in-game phone 通讯通知 [TongXunTongZhi]

At the bottom from left to right: Privacy agreement 隐私政策 [YinSiZhengCe], Service Terms 服务条款 [FuWuTiaoKuan], Contact customer service 联系客服 [LianXiKeFu], Logout 注销 [ZhuXiao]

For Sound Settings 音频设置 [YinPinSheZhi]:

You can adjust the volume for: Background Music 背景音乐 [BeiJingYinYue], Sound Effects 游戏音效 [YouXiYinXiao], Character Voice-overs 角色配音 [JueSePeiYin].

Click on the volume button 语音下载 [YuYinXiaZai] to download the voice packs for stories.

For Gift Code Exchange 礼包兑换 [LiBaoDuiHuan]:

Key in or paste the gift code into the box, then click the yellow exchange button 礼包兑换 [LiBaoDuiHuan] to receive the gift.

For Safety Lock 安全锁 [AnQuanSuo]:

This is a safety feature that the game has designed for players to prevent accidents. The password is numeric and requires 6 digits. In particular the game will prompt the player to input the password for: 

  1. Food Spirits – such as the dismantling of SSR Food Spirits, Evolving Food Spirits using 调料 [DiaoLiao] or the same Food Spirits, and dismantling for full-star Food Spirits
  2. Tableware – such as the dismantling, strengthening or evolving SR and SSR tablewares

Do note that there will be a 1-hour cool down period if the wrong password is used for the first 3 attempts. Of course players can opt not to use passwords by making sure the password lock 二级密码 [ErJiMiMa] is at off [Guan] instead of open [Kai], but I strongly recommend using the password in the event of an unwanted accident occurs.


For Clothing 时装 [ShiZhuang]:

Here is where you can buy new clothing or skins for characters, using the clothing tickets 时装卷 [ShiZhuangJuan]. You can directly purchase the tickets on the corresponding tab. Releases accompanying events may have limited-time discounts so keep an eye out when new event starts!

For Exchange 兑换 [DuiHuan]:

  • Friendship 友情 [YouQing] – (Top Left) uses Friendship points 友情点 [YouQingDian] (or the equivalent in Golden Jade); Avatar 头像 [TouXiang], Avatar frame 头像框 [TouXiangKuang], Background (for Name Card) 背景 [BeiJing]
  • Alliance 协会 [XieHui] – (Top Right) uses Alliance Contribution medals 协会贡献 [XieHuiGongXian] obtained by completing Alliance Activities; Shop 商店 [ShangDian], Benefits 福利 [FuLi] which players can only claim Shell Money once a week, while the other items can only be accessed and released by leader and vice leader of the alliance
  • Cook-off 厨艺 [ChuYi] – (Bottom Left) uses Peaches 蟠桃 [PanTao] obtained from Cook-off
  • Music 音乐 [YinYue] – (Bottom Right) uses music tickets 音乐卷 [YinYueJuen] exchanged in event pop-up store

Some items have limited quantities, and these items will be marked 每周限购 [MeiZhouXianGou] with the total purchasable quantities per week. Highly in demand are DiaoLiao Tokens 调料信物 [DiaoLiaoXinWu], SR Tableware box 膳具盒●珍 [ShanJuHe Zhen], SR Glazed Stone 釉石●珍 [YouShi Zhen], Clothing tickets 时装卷 [ShiZhuangJuan]

For General Store 杂货 [ZaHuo]:

  • Golden Jade 金玉 [JinYu] – uses Golden Jade; some items have limited quantities, such as the Medium Rabbit buns 中份兔兔包 [ZhongFenTuTuBao] can only be bought at 100 Golden Jade 10 times a day as they are marked with 每日限购 [MeiRiXianGou]. The in-game chat sticker is a one-time purchase 永久限购 [YongJiuXianGou] that will be unlocked permanently once bought.
  • Spirit Jade 魂玉 [HunYu] – obtained from dismantling Food Spirits; this is the only outlet players have the opportunity to purchase a complete DiaoLiao 调料, so keep saving them Spirit Jades!
  • Tableware 膳具 [ShanJu] – tableware shards can be obtained from dismantling SR and SSR tablewares

For Monthly Card 月俸 [YueFeng]:

A VIP system where players pay $4.99 monthly for: 300 Golden Jade (upon purchase), 100 Golden Jade daily for 30 days, Double sign-in rewards, +1 chance of Food Spirits Search, +30 extended Energy limit, Monthly Card limited Avatar frame (lasts 30 days), and 20% discount off Golden Jade on 10 times summon once a week.

For Bargain Pack 礼包 [LiBao]:

Bargain Packs are divided into: Beginners (1 time only for life) 新手 [XinShou], Event 活动 [HuoDong], Limited time 限时 [XianShi], and Worth it 超值 [ChaoZhi] packs. Each pack comes with assorted items, so best to compare to see which pack is affordable (for your wallet's sake) yet worth it for its price.

For Direct Purchase 直购 [ZhiGou]:

If players want to purchase only Golden Jade, this outlet is the best option. However I would recommend that you check out the Bargain Packs because most times they are more worth it.


Going anticlockwise, there are 7 key features in the Courtyard. Note that the background in this picture is event-themed and is different from the usual background.

1.     Expedition 异域探索 [YiYueTanSuo]:

There are 6 types of expedition, with each giving different bonus rewards upon the team's return: 轮回井 [LunHuiJing], 广寒月宫  [GuangHanYueGong], 桃花源 [TaoHuaYuan], 蓬莱仙岛 [PengLaiXianDao], 瀛洲 [YingZhou], 昆仑虚 [KunLunXu]. Note that the orange orb reads experience 经验 [JingYan], where the chosen 4 Food Spirits will gain experience upon returning from the expedition. 

By choosing the recommending Food Spirits 推荐食魂 [TuiJianShiHun], players can get more rewards. You can choose the duration of the expedition from: Half an hour 半小时 [BanXiaoShi], 2 hours 2小时 [2XiaoShi], 4 hours 4小时 [4XiaoShi], or up to 8 hours 8小时 [8XiaoShi]. The 昆仑虚 [KunLunXu] is the only expedition that is fixed at 8 hours and requires 80 energy, while the other expeditions embark with no energy requirement.

2.     Food Spirit Search 梅影寻踪 [MeiYingXunZong]:

Players have 3 chances daily to search for Food Spirits, with each Food Spirit can only be found once per day. When the task is successfully completed, affection points and the corresponding Food Spirit tokens will be awarded.

3.     The Study 书房 [ShuFang]:

Inventory 珍宝阁 [ZhenBaoGe], Player outfit 装扮 [ZhuangBan], Phone messages 通讯 [TongXun]. The inventory stores items collected from all events, and has 4 compartments for players to sort the items as they wish: 天字柜 [TianZiJu], 地字柜 [DiZiJu], 玄字柜 [XuanZiJu], 黄字柜 [HuangZiJu]. New player outfits can only be obtained by in-game recharge. Read messages sent by Food Spirits in your (in-game) phone, where you can get rewards upon the conclusion of a conversation thread.

4.     Home 家园 [JiaYuan]: 

You can edit the name of the room with the brush symbol on the top centre, and share 分享 [FenXiang] to get 20 Golden Jade. Players can visit 参观 [CanGuan] each other either randomly 随机参观 [SuiJiCanGuan] or specific players 访问 [FangWen] to send likes 点赞 [DianZan], and then moving to another home 参观下家 [CanGuanXiaJia]. 

To get new furnitures, visit the furniture shop 巧圣阁 [QiaoShengGe] and draw using the Heaven Craft stones 天公石 [TianGongShi]. You can expand your room by adding a new floor 换层 [HuanCeng] or by expanding horizontally 扩容 [KuoRong]. To decorate or sell unwanted furnitures, select 管理 [GuanLi]. The sell 贩卖 [FanMai] is marked red, while the save 保存方案 [BaoCunFangAn] is marked blue. 

Players can also set up to 4 of their favourite Food Spirits, where you can also check their schedule to see what they get up to during the day. A unique feature is that you can steam rabbit buns 蒸兔包 [ZhengTuBao] in your home using the grain orbs 存粮 [CunLiang] earned from battles. Increasing the comfortability rate 舒适度 [ShuShiDu] will increase the success rate of steaming more medium buns instead of small rabbit buns.

5.     Farm 农场 [NongChang]:

You can assign Food Spirits that give extra boost on harvesting different crops, and upgrade crops using the Farm Toolbox 农用工具 [NongYongGongJu]. Food Spirits that give extra boost are marked with the shiny banner 加成 [JiaCheng].

6.     Kitchen 厨房 [ChuFang]:

Like in the Farm, assigning Food Spirits that will decrease time spent on cooking dishes using crops harvested from the Farm. Each dish have 3 stages: Decrease time taken to cook, increase selling price, and finally unlocking new dish. While cooking you can use Speed-up Cooking Oil 加速食用油 [JiaSuShiYongYou] to reduce the time taken (1 bottle = reduction of 5 minutes), or abandon the queue 撤销烹饪 [CheXiaoPengRen]. 

You can manually collect each completed dish by selecting the dish appeared at the bottom or press 取餐 [QuCan] to collect all ready dishes. For full list of dishes and cooking instructions (actual real-life cooking instructions for players who want to recreate the dish!), click on the recipe 食谱 [ShiPu] button. Else, from here you can directly enter the Restaurant 餐厅 [CanTing].

7.     Restaurant 餐厅 [CanTing]:

Players will receive multiple banquet orders 宴会订单 [YanHuiDingDan] throughout the day, and only 3 temple fair orders 庙会订单 [MiaoHuiDingDan] a week. Complete the orders to get rewards before time's up. You can serve dishes to customer using the Menu 菜单 [CaiDan], and check on your total number of dishes in the Storage 仓库 [CangKu]. LuWu 陆吾 will sometimes spill some juicy conversations he'd overheard from customers, which are unlocked when you serve dishes that customers want. 

Need more Shell Money? Start a Crowd Frenzy 客潮 [KeChao] by handing out a Restaurant flyer 餐馆传单 [CanGuanChuanDan]. The frenzy lasts for 1 minute, and will use up any dishes available in the storage (excluding those set on the menu). The Crowd Frenzy not only drops double Shell Money, but also Food Spirit Tokens – even those that the players don't have in their KongSang. Keep an eye out for the Fortune God (guy in red) as he will always drop SSR Food Spirit Tokens. Unlike dishes being automatically served as long as they are on the menu, in Crowd Frenzy players will have to personally attend to customers by clicking on the food order above their head.


For Daily tasks 日常 [RiChang]:

  1. Gift a Food Spirit once 给心仪的食魂送1次礼物 – 100 player experience, 10 daily activeness, 2 Gift boxes
  2. Strengthen tableware once 强化1次膳具 – 100 player experience, 10 daily activeness, 1 Small 5-Colour soil
  3. Complete 1 battle in LingLang Dream World chapter 完成1次琳琅幻境副本 – 200 player experience, 15 daily activeness, 1 Small 5-Colour soil
  4. Level up a Food Spirit once 食魂升级1次 – 100 player experience, 15 daily activeness, 5 Small Rabbit buns
  5. Complete 1 battle in JinQiu Wish Forest chapter 完成1次金秋愿林副本 – 200 player experience, 15 daily activeness, 1 Medium Rabbit buns
  6. Collect daily login reward 每日登录福利 – 100 player experience, 5 daily activeness, 1000 Shell Money
  7. Touch the designated Food Spirit once 与主界面食魂触碰互动1次 – 100 player experience, 5 daily activeness, 2 Gift boxes
  8. Spend 100 energy in battles 在战斗中消耗100点体力 – 100 player experience, 10 daily activeness, 1 Double Effect talisman
  9. Spend 300 energy in battles 在战斗中消耗300点体力 – 100 player experience, 20 daily activeness, 2 Double Effect talisman
  10. Welcome Crowd Frenzy once 迎来1次客潮 – 200 player experience, 10 daily activeness, 2 Speed-up Cooking Oil
  11. Complete 1 battle in Rabbit Roulette 完成1次兔来运转副本 – 200 player experience, 15 daily activeness, 1 Medium Rabbit bun
  12. Participate once in Cook-off 进行1次厨艺大赛 – 100 player experience, 10 daily activeness, 20 Peaches
  13. Complete 1 expedition 完成1次异域探索 – 100 player experience, 5 daily activeness, 5 Heaven Craft Stones
  14. Complete 2 battles in either main or difficult mode storyline 完成2次普通或困难副本关卡 – 200 player experience, 15 daily activeness, 1 Random Food Spirit token
  15. Cook 1 dish 烹煮1道菜肴 – 100 player experience, 5 daily activeness, 2 Speed-up Cooking Oil
  16. Give like to 1 home 赞赏1次他人的宅邸 – 200 player experience, 10 daily activeness, 5 Heaven Craft stones

Daily activeness 日活跃 [RiHuoYue] rewards: 10 Golden Jade at every 20 points, so players can earn up to 50 Golden Jade per day by reaching 100 points

For Weekly tasks 周常 [ZhouChang]:

  1. Give likes to 25 homes 完成25次家园点赞 – 10 weekly activeness, 2000 Shell Money, 3 Medium Rabbit buns
  2. Spend 1500 energy in battles 在战斗中消耗1500点体力 – 10 weekly activeness, 2000 Shell Money, 2 Medium Rabbit buns
  3. Welcome 10 Crowd Frenzy 迎接10次客潮 – 10 weekly activeness, 1000 Shell Money, 1 Restaurant flyer
  4. Gift 300 gifts to any Food Spirit 给心仪的食魂送300次礼物 – 10 weekly activeness, 1500 Shell Money, 10 Gift boxes
  5. Complete 15 Food Spirit Search 完成15次梅影寻踪 – 10 weekly activeness, 1500 Shell Money, 1 Farm Toolbox
  6. Complete 15 Banquet orders 交付15个宴会订单 – 10 weekly activeness, 2000 Shell Money, 1 Farm Toolbox
  7. Cook 800 dishes 烹煮800道菜肴 – 10 weekly activeness, 1000 Vegetables, 800 Meat
  8. Complete 2 Temple Fair orders 交付2个庙会订单 – 10 weekly activeness, 1500 Shell Money, 10 Gift boxes
  9. Login 5 days 登录5天 – 10 weekly activeness, 1000 Shell Money, 10 Speed-up Cooking Oil
  10. Complete 20 expeditions 完成20次异域探索 – 10 weekly activeness, 1000 Shell Money, 20 Heaven Craft Stones

(EXTRA) Participate 25 times in Cook-off 参加25次厨艺大赛 – 70 Golden Jade

Weekly activeness 周活跃 [ZhouHuoYue] rewards: (20 points) 10 Gift boxes 好感礼盒 [HaoGanLiHe], (40 points) 5 random Food Spirit tokens 随机食魂信物 [SuiJiShiHunXinWu], (60 points) 1 Small 5-Colour Soil 小份五色土 [XiaoFenWuSeTu], (80 points) 5 Medium Rabbit buns 中份兔兔包 [ZhongFenTuTuBao], (100 points) 1 Spirit Core 魂芯 [HunXin]



Here is where you can view more information about the Food Spirits in your KongSang. Using DongBiLongZhu 东璧龙珠 as example, next to his name is the name of his voice actor 吴磊 [WuLei]. Players can designate their favourite Food Spirit as the butler on the Main page 当前管家 [DangQianGuanJia], where you can tap on them to see their reaction depending where you touch them. 

Players can leave comments in the comment box 评论 [PingLun]. This is also where you can find the suitable medicinal bath and favourite gift of the respective Food Spirit. You can change character skin in 时装 [ShiZhuang], which includes skin bought from the Clothing store and even evolved skins. To find the full list of Food Spirits, check 角色列表 [JueSeLieBiao]. 

The current affection level of DongBiLongZhu 东璧龙珠 is level 3 (i.e. 3 in the heart on the right of the Food Spirit), with the current affection gauge below the heart. The maximum affection level is 15, which most players target to achieve as you can unlock the Food Spirit's voiced confession at the final level. 

Gifting 赠礼 [ZengLi] – (Top Left) Each Food Spirit have their favourite gifts, with Food Spirit-related gifts having a SR background while basic gifts had a grey background. You can check what is their favourite gift in the comment box; after gifting their favourite gift for the first time, the subsequent times when their favourite gift is in your possession it will be marked bright pink on the top left corner of the gift. To give multiple gifts at once to the same Food Spirit, select the desired gift and hold the gift button 赠送 [ZengSong]; else if it's just 1 item, just pressing once will do. 

Voice messages 语音 [YuYin] – (Top Right) Unlock voice messages by reaching the required affection level with each Food Spirit. Food Spirits from different era speak differently; like YangZhiGanLu 杨枝甘露 (a HongKong-originated dessert) is voiced in Cantonese, while DongBiLongZhu 东璧龙珠 (China-originated dish) is voiced in Chinese.

Information 资料 [ZiLiao] – (Bottom Left) Food Spirit information will be unlocked as you reach the required affection level. Usually the information is a mix of actual history of the dish and the fictional Food Spirit background. 

Story 故事 [GuShi] – (Bottom Right) Read the Food Spirit's character story and discover more to what you thought you knew. A 3-part story that will be unlocked as the affection level increases.

The 2nd part of this series we will complete the asterisked lines in Section 3 and 4. The actual review will also be in the 2nd part, so stay tune!

See you all in the next post!

~ RieRie


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