Time Princess - White Snake Walkthrough
The story of White Snake is one that I'm familiar with, albeit the film version 'The Sorcerer and the White Snake" starring Jet Li, Eva Huang, Raymond Lam, Charlene Choi, Wen Zhang as the key cast. Well, there are some similarities, but the Time Princess version has that plot twist that is definitely not in the film. Well, that's the only comment I'll give for now. (And I've just realised I had not done a RIEview on Time Princess, hmm...)
White Snake: 2 Chapters - Chapter 1 has 19 stages, Chapter 2 has 15 stages
(Note: I had overlooked recording when event logs are unlocked, meaning some are missing from this walkthrough. If you do have any missing event logs that you need help with, post them in the comments below and I'll take a look through my records to see if I can guide you which chapter stage the log should be in. Alternatively, there is the Time Princess Wikia page that should help, or the community would definitely love to help out fellow players too!)
1-1 Something's Fishy
Simple || Gentle
- Intercede for Xu Xian - Xu Xian Goodwill ^
- Remind Xiaoqing of medical ethics - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^
1-2 Troubles Lie Ahead
Cooling || Perky
- Yield to Xiaoqing - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^ [Unlock event log - Tongue Ripping hell]
- Stop Xiaoqing - no effect
1-3 Danger in the Market
Charming || Gentle
(Unlocks event - Eccentric Spirits)
- Use my magic to fight - Bad End: Restless Ghost
- Not get carried away - no effect
1-4 Unwarranted Disaster
Simple || Formal
- Ask Xiaoqing for help - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^
- Ask Xu Xian for help - Xu Xian Goodwill ^
1-5 Extreme Emergency
Cooling || Perky
- Apologise - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^
- Pay for the damages - Xu Xian Goodwill ^
1-6 Street Exotic Tales
Simple || Gentle
- To cultivate myself - no effect
- For Yue'er - no effect
1-7 Veiled Physician
- Praise Xu Xian - Xu Xian Goodwill ^ (Unlock event log - The bonds and virtues)
- Keep silent - no effect
- Go with Xu Xian - Xu Xian Goodwill ^ (unlocks 1-8)
- Go with Xiaoqing - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^ (unlocks 1-10)
1-8 Rescued Demon [unlocked by choosing 'Go with Xu Xian' in 1-7]
Simple || Formal
- Ask Xiaoqing about her plan - no effect
- Prepare to leave - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^ (Unlock event log - Demon's Distress)
- Disguise myself as a ghost and scare them away - Xu Xian Goodwill ^
- Ask Xu Xian for help - no effect
1-9 Encounter in the mountains
Grand || Elegant
- Where was this capital - no effect
- What was the cause of this war - no effect
- Bury the skeletons - Xu Xian Goodwill ^
- Flee for our lives - no effect
1-10 Rabbit Demon [unlocked by choosing 'Go with Xiaoqing' in 1-7]
Cooling || Perky
- Stop her - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^
- Let her do it - Bad End: Shocking Punishment
1-11 Bizarre Feast
Grand || Elegant
- This happened because of the war. Why blame yourself? - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^
- It's not fated to end here, you will meet again - no effect
1-12 Peach Blossom
Simple || Gentle
- Call Xu Xian - Xu Xian Goodwill ^
- Call Xiaoqing - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^
1-13 See Light Again
Charming || Gentle
- Help him up - no effect
- Let him kowtow - no effect
- Accept the food - Bad End: Astonishing food box
- Refuse the food - no effect (Unlock event log - Bamboo wine)
- Help run the Xu Apothecary - Xu Xian Goodwill ^ (unlocks 1-14)
- Reopen the Bai Apothecary - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^ (unlocks 1-15)
1-14 Identity Doubt
Simple || Formal
- Are you in love with me - no effect
- Have you fallen in love with someone - no effect
1-15 Revitalising the Apothecary
Cooling || Perky
- Are you in love with me - no effect
- Does your heart stir for someone - no effect
1-16 Humble Request
Simple || Gentle
- Ask to cast a communication spell - no effect
- Let her go freely - no effect
- Ask Xiaoqing - Xiaoqing Goodwill ^ (Unlock event log - Ma Fei San)
- Ask Xu Xian - Xu Xian Goodwill ^
1-17 Inn Fright
Cooling || Perky
Xu Xian's route after finding out about the food container through Qiu Shi unlocks these options:
- Doubt Fahai - no effect
- Believe Fahai - no effect
If choose 'Doubt Fahai':
- Stop Fahai - Bad End: Harming the Innocent
- Interrogate Fahai - no effect
Xiaoqing's route unlocks these options:
- Listen to Bahai's explanation - no effect
- Fight Fahai with spells - Bad End: Bloody Disaster
1-18 Eve of the storm
Simple || Formal
- Explain what actually happened - Xu Xian Goodwill ^
- Tear down the stage - no effect
1-19 Time of farewell
Simple || Gentle
- Xu Xian - no effect
- Xiaoqing - no effect
2-1 Medicine Thief
Charming || Noble
If chosen 'Flee for our lives' in 1-9 unlocks these options:
- Answer honestly - Bad End: Sentenced to Death
- Answer ambiguously - no effect
Choosing 'Answer ambiguously' (in Xu Xian's route) and Xiaoqing's route will proceed with options below:
- Stay for the medical text - no effect
- Save Xiaoqing first - Bad End: Karma
- Be completely honest - no effect
- Respond ambiguously - no effect
Note: after this, your path will diverge depending on the route:
- Xu Xian's route - starts with 2-11 and ends with 2-15
- Xiaoqing's route - starts with 2-2 and ends with 2-10
2-2 Fate in Tears and Laughter
Cooling || Perky
- Guess that she is a disciple of Yue Lao - no effect
- Guess that she is Yue Lao herself
- Listen to the story of the moon palace - no effect (unlocks 2-3)
- Listen to the story of the human realm - no effect (unlocks 2-4)
2-3 Past of the Moon Palace [unlocked by choosing 'Listen to the story of the moon palace' in 2-2]
Charming || Noble
- Carefully considering what words to use - no effect
- A little overwhelmed - no effect
2-4 Trouble in the world [unlocked by choosing 'Listen to the story of the human realm' in 2-2]
Simple || Gentle
- Why did Yue'er's illness suddenly become worse - no effect
- Why did Yue'er suddenly become well - no effect
- Rational - no effect
- Overwhelmed - no effect
2-5 Path to take
Cooling || Perky
- Happily agree - no effect
- Hesitate - no effect
If chosen 'Happily agree':
- Follow Yue'er - Bad End: Death in the snow
- Stay with Xiaoqing - Bad End: Detached from the world
If chosen 'Hesitate':
- Ask about Qing Lan - no effect
- Ask about the fight - no effect
2-6 Lake under the Autumn Moon
Charming || Gentle
- Maybe - no effect
- I doubt it - no effect
2-7 Flame of July
Charming || Noble
- The patients I have treated - no effect
- Xu Xian being falsely accused - no effect
- Check Yue'er's forehead - no effect (unlocks 2-9)
- Go back - no effect (unlocks 2-8)
2-8 Butterfly Whispers [unlocked by choosing 'Go back' in 2-7]
Simple || Gentle
Story will be different depending on choosing to cast a communication spell with the butterfly demon or not in stage 1-16
2-9 Billows of the past [unlocked by choosing 'Check Yue'er's forehead' in 2-7]
Charming || Gentle
- Cast spells to fight Fahai - Bad End: All for naught
- Try to push the door open - no effect
- Find another way out - Bad End: Path to death
- Accept the woman's help - no effect
- Ask the woman more questions - no effect
- Bid the woman farewell - no effect
2-10 Day of Godhood
Simple || Gentle
(Unlock event - Attaining Immortality)
If chosen 'Ask the woman more questions' in 2-9 unlocks these options:
- Be honest with Fahai - Bad End: Demonic Ways
- Don't tell him the truth - no effect
Choosing 'Don't tell him the truth' previously or 'Bid the woman farewell' in 2-9 will unlock these options:
- Focus on Xiaoqing - Bad End: Demonised (Unlocks event - Demonised)
- Look for help - no effect
- Accept the offer - Bad End: Rebellious Immortal
- Turn down the offer - Ending: Unfinished Business (Unlocks event - Unfinished Business)
2-11 Sincere Confessions
Simple || Formal
- Accept the offer - no effect
- Think more about it - no effect
- Accept the offer - Bad End: Dreary Medical Court
- Turn down the offer
2-12 One Step Away
Charming || Gentle
- All of it - no effect
- Part of it - no effect
2-13 Ashes of War
Charming || Noble
- Become an imperial physician - Bad End: The Chosen One
- Stay in Hangzhou - no effect (unlocks event - Ashes of War)
2-14 A Hypocrite
Grand || Elegant
- Invite Qing Lan to the wedding banquet - no effect
- Ask her what's wrong - no effect
2-15 Same day next year
- Try to stop them - Bad End: No Longer Myself
- Try to persuade Fahai - Bad End: Disastrous Consequences
If chosen 'Ask her what's wrong' in 2-14 and 'Try to persuade Fahai' in 2-15 together will unlock these options:
- Save Xiaoqing - Bad End: No Way Out (Unlocks event - Demonised)
- Dissuade Qing Lan - no effect
- Sacrifice myself - no effect
- Accept Master's offer - Bad End: Missing the mortal world
- Turn down Master's offer - Ending: Together Forever (Unlocks event - Together Forever)
Hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did! Definitely one of my favourites (and have cross-over potential with Tang Dynasty Hunter for sure...)
Happy Gaming!
~ RieRie