Q&A Time!

I know I should upload the next review soon, but for this post I thought: why not have a mini Q&A post? Sort of like a FAQ section to answer (possibly all) questions that readers might have when reading through the blog. Without further ado, let's start with Question 1:-

What's up with the near daily churning out of reviews lately? 

Well, after resigning, I somehow had this residue work determination from my daily work routine that I figured, 'why not channel that into blogging?' So yes, that is what happened. But lately I have been slacking off so am putting in all my effort to prevent further disruption of the review schedule!

That's a pretty large genre of games you play! Are you the type to try out all kinds of games? 

I do play a pretty wide genre, but not all types! While I sometimes try out trending games like Animal Crossing and that leisure frog game, but I tend to avoid horror/high level of suspense and games that require high level of hand-eye coordination. Horror like 5 nights at Freddie's (actually a mix of horror and jump scares), High level of suspense like Among us (or mafia games, basically I'm terrible at holding out lies), and High level of hand-eye coordination (Genshin Impact, Final Fantasy, etc). 

I tend to download games based on the visuals and/or description written. Sometimes that game is what is said, sometimes it's the complete opposite. 

How committed are you to the games?

Hmm... So I got my first smartphone in 2010/2011, and based on my records I can say that the games that I have now are completely not the apps that I downloaded 10 years ago. Some games were discontinued and subsequently unusable with the new software updates, while others I lost interest and so deleted. I go through games very quickly because I'm a F2P. I don't have monetary commitment to tie me to a game, in contrast to friends who invest heavily in games and thus became committed to stay loyal to their in-game investment. 

10 years later, my commitment is slightly higher, but I can and will delete games if I have to. My main reason is usually the amount of memory storage in my device, and new updates usually take up a chunk of memory storage, be it the games themselves or the phone's software update. Again, it's the games that I'm least heavily invested in and/or lost interest that gets the boot out the door, but that dilemma will eventually come back again when my phone demands for more space for the new software update... 

What device do you play your games on? 

I actually have 2 devices! My main device is my iPhone 6+, which derives from its ancestral iPhone 4 that I had in 2010/2011. The other device is a android tablet, a Samsung Tab that actually belongs to my dad! He ended up letting me use since I fiddled with the tablet more often than he does, though with me hogging the tablet no one else but me would've had access to the tablet... 10 years ago, despite being loyal to Apple products, I would argue and agree that Play Store reigns superior to the App Store. This is because, at that time, Play Store was not region-locked, and so I could access to games from other regions (like Japan!) that I couldn't on the App Store (which is region-locked). 

Sadly that is no longer the case so I just download games that I could access to on either device haha. Though I have noticed that some games are only available for android but not in App Store, like Color Pieceout and Detective Koba, where the latter game is free on Play Store as mentioned in the corresponding review. 

How do you manage to play all the games you've reviewed here? 

Uh, I don't play all of them? Some games end up getting the delete treatment sometime after I publish the review. For instance, Color Pieceout got removed after the news broke out that the international version would no longer be supported, while others like A3! I simply lost interest with the difficulty in the events. Other games I've shelved it on hiatus, for example Ayakashi: Romance Reborn, where I actually enjoy the game and its premise but the constant flow of events is getting too much for me to handle. 

There are also other games that I play occasionally, like Hana's story: Nonograms and Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past, as they are casual and single-player focus so I can take my time with the pacing as I wish. So overall there are only a handful of games that require daily attention and mid- to high-level of strategising! 

Well, how many more reviews can we expect? 

About that... Not many! 

You seem cheerful about not having many reviews left. Aren't you sad that this project is ending? 

Throughout this project, I had mixed feelings on this project. At first, I started this project as a means of fulfilling my dreams of wanting to do a blog on a committed basis. As I know that I have commitment issues, I decided to plan and decide on where the finish line should be. Somewhere along the line, I started feeling doubtful about continuing the blog, and if I should just quit blogging altogether. But then again, there's not many chances in life to do what you want, so I gritted my teeth and sat my butt down to keep writing. 

Soon after, I put blogging on hold when I had work opportunities. Thinking back, I can't help but laugh at my childish thinking of being able to blog during the weekends. HA! My weekends during those times were consumed by working endlessly, up until my last day. Of course, post-resignation I was still on fire from how workaholic I became, but slowly that fire is dwindling inside me. 

So yes, I am sad, but I'm relieved as with one door closes, another door will open. There are other things I have planned in mind, so even though this project ends, it's not the end!

Is there a social media platform where you will keep your readers updated?

At the moment there isn't one specially for my project(s)! It's still in the planning process, like on what social media platform and how to go about it, but once there is one I will update here with a post to keep things tied together. Stay tune!

That's all I can think of for this session's Q&A! Hope this is helpful for new and old readers alike! 

The next post will be back on track with the reviews, so see you all in the next post!

~ RieRie


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